Chinstrap Sizing Advice
Generally, the size of your ChinStrap will be the same as your helmet size. For example, if you wear an Adult Medium size helmet, select our S-M ChinStrap. If you wear an Adult Large helmet, select our L-XL ChinStrap. For very small children (80lbs or below), we recommend the RX XS (extra small). For very large adults, we recommend the Victory Extra Deep L-XL.
Video Tutorials on How to Install and Fit Your SportStar ChinStrap
Helmets with Buckles
Helmets with Buckles: Fitting your SportStar chinstrap on a Standard 4-Point connection helmet.
How to Install NEW QuickClick
NEW SportStar QuickClick: Use our new QuickClick system on the bottom straps instead of the original sliding connection.
How to Install Strap Adapters
SportStar Strap Adapters: Use a snap and buckle connection on the bottom straps instead of the original sliding connection.
Installation for Xenith Helmet with Bonnet System
Xenith Helmet: Fitting your SportStar Chinstrap on a Xenith helmet that uses the Bonnet System. (Buckle and post connection up top and Xenith’s wraparound strap with our D-Ring at the bottom.) For Xenith Helmets with a 4 point hookup system see “Helmets with Buckles” video above.
Step by Step Fitting and Installation Instructions
Helmets with Buckles

Step 1: Have player firmly hold chinstrap centered on chin.

Step 2: Adjust and fasten top straps first. Slide the buckles to line up with the snap post on the helmet. While adjusting, make sure chinstrap is remaining centered on players chin.

Step 3: Adjust the bottom strap buckles by repeating Step 2.

Step 4: Check fit by holding helmet by face mask and attempting to move helmet side to side and up and down. There should be no sliding or movement of the helmet. Fit should be snug with equal pressure on both sides of chin.
How to Install New QuickClick

Step 1: Remove the Cam Loc by unscrewing the thumbwheel on the inside of the helmet and sliding the strap free.

Step 2: Install the base of the QuickClick by setting it in the same place the Cam Loc was and fastening it snugly with the thumbwheel. Unclick the tongue end to be secured while fitting the chinstrap.

Step 3: Have the player firmly hold the chinstrap to the center of their chin.

Step 4: Adjust and fasten top straps first. Slide the buckles to line up with the snap post on the helmet. While adjusting, make sure chinstrap is remaining centered on player’s chin.

Step 5: Pull the bottom strap snug and mark where the strap meets the front edge of the QuickClick base.

Step 6: Loop the strap through the top slot and back under the bottom slot. Adjust the placement of the strap so the mark you made in Step 5 is showing on the bend. Snugly screw in the security screw on the underside to ensure the strap stays in place. Routine checking of the screw’s tightness is recommended throughout the season.

Step 7: Click the strap adapter together to check the fit and placement of the chinstrap cup.

Step 8: Check fit by holding helmet by face mask and attempting to move helmet side to side and up and down. There should be no sliding or movement of the helmet. Fit should be snug with equal pressure on both sides of chin.
How to Install Strap Adapters

Step 1: Remove the Cam Loc by unscrewing the thumbwheel on the inside of the helmet and sliding the strap free.

Step 2: Install the Strap Adapter by setting it in the same place the Cam Loc was and fastening it snugly with the thumbwheel. Slide on the buckle to the strap to prepare for fitting.

Step 3: Have the player firmly hold the chinstrap to the center of their chin.

Step 4: Adjust and fasten top straps first. Slide the buckles to line up with the snap post on the helmet. While adjusting, make sure chinstrap is remaining centered on player’s chin.

Step 5: Adjust the bottom strap buckles by repeating Step 2.

Step 6: Check fit by holding helmet by face mask and attempting to move helmet side to side and up and down. There should be no sliding or movement of the helmet. Fit should be snug with equal pressure on both sides of chin.
Installation for Xenith Helmet with Bonnet System

Step 1: Have player firmly hold chinstrap centered on chin.

Step 2: Adjust and fasten top straps first. Slide the buckles to line up with the snap post on the helmet. While adjusting, make sure chinstrap is remaining centered on players chin.

Step 3: Adjust the bottom strap buckles by repeating Step 2.

Step 4: Check fit by holding helmet by face mask and attempting to move helmet side to side and up and down. There should be no sliding or movement of the helmet. Fit should be snug with equal pressure on both sides of chin.